Archive for June, 2010

Personal Research

Posted in Uncategorized on June 16, 2010 by gracemoore

The Future

The future only to be thought about,

 Is ahead but not far as we would hope,

The future so cold but blessed too,

The future holds the lives of so many,

One mistake taken upon a person,

Can ruin a life or two,

 But the future is the path ahead, as other paths will make you go,

 The future so close will hold, your life in its hands, so be holy for one slip,

can cost you your future.

richard belis

I really liked this poem because it speaks of the future as something very fragile, and he’s implying that one wrong move can totally ruin your future or another’s. He also makes it sound as if the present and the future are something very precious, and I agree. At least that’s what I think he means. (:

Personal research

Posted in Uncategorized on June 16, 2010 by gracemoore
          The Willed Future
  The logical future gets entangled in a peninsula
of turmoil and discontent;
the willed future builds an island of peace and harmony.

The logical future operates from past principles and perspectives;
the willed future is fueled by possibilities and passion.

The logical future protects your pension, perch, and position;
the willed future protects the person, progress, and principles.

The logical future makes me a product of my circumstances;
the willed future supersedes my circumstances.

The logical future makes excuses for poor performance;
the willed future sees mistakes as one of life’s greatest teachers.

The logical future expresses emotions from the pantry of our heads;
the willed future expresses emotions from the shelves of our heart.

The logical future writes certain people off;
the willed future invites diverse and unique perspectives.

The logical future becomes trapped in the storms of daily surprises;
the willed future anticipates and forecasts future events.

The logical future spends energy and emotions
exclusively on the present;
the willed future invests enormous time and energy on the future.

           By Gene Bedley 

I think this poem is really good because it involves two perspectives on the future. There’s the Logical Future, and the Willed Future. I think the willed Future sounds better than the logical future, because it just seems like it has more passion to it. Unlike the logical future. Sure it’s logical, but I think the willed future sounded pretty good. (:

Personal Research #8

Posted in Uncategorized on June 14, 2010 by geraldclayton

Have you ever wanted to play piano but couldn’t afford to buy one?. Well you can get the piano gloves 😀 they let you play a full sized piano without one present now you can play some air piano :P.

I don’t know how expensive these gloves are but they must be inexpensive because the site I found this on it makes it sound like these gloves are cheaper than a piano.

Personal Research #7 The Clock With Hidden Numbers

Posted in Uncategorized on June 14, 2010 by geraldclayton

Generally most clocks make the numbers very apparent. But in this unique design for a clock by Mike Clare, the numbers reveal themselves as the time progresses. The clock uses polarized lenses for revealing the hidden numbers. It only shows the numbers when two lenses overlap. The lenses are attached to the clock’s hands and reveal the numbers as they move. The clock is made from wood veneer and is illuminated from behind. It looks simple and attractive without the numbers too. This is a pretty unique design i haven’t seen a clock like this before.

Personal Research #6 Future Kitchen

Posted in Uncategorized on June 14, 2010 by geraldclayton

This is the future of cooking but you probably won’t see this kitchen in the near future. This kitchen was designed to make cooking easier for people who don’t like to cook. This kitchen also helps you experiment with different recipes you haven’t tried before.

Personal Research #5

Posted in Uncategorized on June 14, 2010 by geraldclayton

This is a intelligent medical chair designed for hospitals. They are designed for resting and the blue sensors on the top of the seat are able to diagnose the patient so when you see the doctor the diagnosis part would be half done.

note: This hasn’t been invented yet

The future of bicycles! (:

Posted in Uncategorized on June 9, 2010 by mirandastephens23

 This is a futuristic bicycle, it is said to have to ability to count the amount of calories you burn, play music, solar-power your motor uphill, and has a locking device with fingerprint recognition to prevent theft. It’s made of carbon fiber and the tires are puncture-proof, this is what Olympic cyclist Chris Boardman predicts for the future. I’m guessing my the year 3001 technology is just going to keep getting  better! 🙂

In 3001

Posted in Uncategorized on June 9, 2010 by mirandastephens23

In this picture, there is a building on top of the water, with no land surrounding. I guess this means that the world could possible flood over. And the nature that we have now, like trees and other plant life will no longer exist. This would most likely have something to do with the way we neglect Earth. So by the year 3001  all we would have left is our technology.

The Time Machine, Ch. 9

Posted in Teacher Updates on June 8, 2010 by world3001
  1. Give three reasons and 1 quote to prove that THE TIME MACHINE is a science fiction novel.
  2. Find one example each of Terror, Horror, and Gross Out to show that THE TIME MACHINE meets Stephen King’s requirements for a horror novel.
  • TERROR: is the highest level of horror; pure fear based on the imagination; it is all psychological
  • HORROR: is the second level of horror; it is partly psychological and partly physical; you actually see the monster
  • GROSS OUT: is the lowest level of horror; it is all physical blood and guts

Personal Research

Posted in Uncategorized on June 8, 2010 by gracemoore

For personal research I read a book called Gimme A Call.

It’s about a girl who is able to contact herself in the past, three years in the past to be exact. She sees this as a huge opportunity to fix everything wrong in her life, to mend broken friendships, get into a better college, avoid getting her heart broken. At first her past self is a little skeptical about it, not believing that it’s really her from the future. But once she starts believing they work together to try and fix their future, but every little thing they do changes their future drastically, and eventually it’s too much for them. It’s a pretty interesting book, and i think it relates a lot to the future unit we’re doing. 🙂