Archive for the poem Category

Personal Research #7

Posted in future, poem, Uncategorized with tags , on May 28, 2010 by BeMn07

this is a poem i found called “FUTURE TO FUTURE” by : Stan Pelfrey i think the same thing, i think everything happens for a reason, like the last paragraph.. it really made me think, hope you like it

in the future moments will
come when one person says
to another, “That was great! ”

we never know what
the future holds in store
for us-in it’s infinite
wisdom-but surely you and I
know of it’s impending arrival

some believe the future
holds great times ahead,
some believe in a bleak
fate and still others believe
unborn moments hold
a catastrophic end

me, I like to think that
maybe, just maybe, it
will all happen at the same
instance-I mean some things
will be great, some bleak,
some beginnings and some endings

“great” things will only
happen in the future, because
of now, and that’s tough enough
to decipher-so I will plead, now,
and leave the future to the future

Personal Research #3

Posted in future, poem with tags on April 22, 2010 by BeMn07

this is a short little poem that i highly agree with, im sure you would to!

” Let us not worry
About the future.
Let us only do the right thing
At this moment,
Here and Now.
Let the future take care of
Itself. “

personal research 2.

Posted in future, poem, So, this is what I think ... on April 21, 2010 by ashinnarai

I came across this poem/song(?) While I was researching. It’s great because its written to give you an idea of how the future would be. Kind of makes you wonder and picture things in your head. Gives you many ideas of how the future could be portrayed.